Sunday School Activities about Haggai
Bulletins teach basic Scripture knowledge, not doctrine
You don't have to worry about questionable or controversial content in our bulletins. They're carefully designed from proven educational methods that have been endorsed by Christian educators and pastors of all denominations. Because each bulletin teaches basic Scripture knowledge, not doctrine, Children's Worship Bulletins are perfect for all Christian churches.
Great selection and variety to choose from
Children's Worship Bulletins are available for two age groups: ages 3-6 and ages 7-12. Both are filled with codes, dot-to-dots, hidden pictures, mazes, puzzles, seek-and-finds, word games and more. Content is developed from the familiar Old Testament stories, the Epistles and a large selection of familiar Gospel stories and themes. There are thousands of bulletins available, many in color.
You choose your Scripture, any time
Sure, you can find children's bulletins on popular topics like the Ten Commandments, the birth of Jesus or the spiritual gifts. But can you find bulletins, or other content for less familiar biblical topics? In this brief article, we'll look at a couple of examples of Sunday school activities about Haggai to demonstrate that Children's Worship Bulletins cover more than just the popular topics. What's more, all of this content is available anytime.
Sunday school activity about Haggai for ages 3-6: The Lord said, "Be strong and do not fear."
Activity Preparation:
- Print a bulletin for each child
- Have enough crayons or colored pencils and scissors for everyone
- Make photocopies for each child of the dove from "The Lord said, 'Be strong and do not fear'" puzzle page, enlarged so that it is approximately 8-½" by 11".
Activity Instructions:
- Give each child a bulletin, crayons or colored pencils and a pair of scissors.
- Have the children solve the puzzle while you read aloud the story from Haggai 2:1-9.
- Give each child the photocopied dove.
- Have them copy "Be strong and do not fear. My spirit remains with you" onto the dove. If necessary, copy the verse onto the doves for the younger children.
- Have the children color and cut out the dove.
- Explain that they can keep the dove with them, hang it in their rooms (with their parents' help) or place it in their Bibles to remind them that God's spirit is always with them.

Sunday school activity about Haggai for ages 7-12: The Future Glory of the Temple
Activity Preparation:
- Print a bulletin for each team
- Have enough pencils for everyone
- Gather small prizes for each member of the winning team
Activity Instructions:
- Divide the class into teams of two or three children each.
- Give each team a bulletin and a pencil.
- Explain the instructions for this activity. "When I say, 'GO!' each team should try to find the 15 differences between the two pictures of "The Future Glory of the Temple" puzzle in the bulletin. The first team to collectively circle all 15 differences correctly, wins."
- Start the game with "GO!" and wait for a team to finish.
- Check the winning team's work.
- Distribute prizes to the first team to correctly solve the puzzle.
- Read aloud Haggai 2:1-9 to reinforce the lesson.

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