children's church bulletin

Use Children's Games to Reinforce Junior Church Lessons

Children's games for church are made and ready for you to use.

Easily create your own age-appropriate children's church activities by taking Children's Worship Bulletins and turning them into fun games. We have taken two of the Sermon on the Mount lessons and created step-by-step directions as examples of how simple it is to do.

The children will love playing games to learn verses and Bible stories. Plus, they will remember the information by having visuals at their fingertips. We have a new bulletin each week, or you can search our database for one that matches the lesson topic you have planned.

children's church bulletin trial

Sermon on the Mount Maze Game Matthew 5:21-37 for ages 7-12.

Teacher preparation:

  1. Print the game and answer key that you want to use from Children's Worship Bulletins.
  2. Gather these materials:
    • Markers or crayons for everyone
    • Game sheets
    • Colorful pencils or candy for prizes

Rules for the game:

  1. Divide the class into teams. Pairs work well for this game.
  2. Tell the class about the game, "Guide the person at the top through the maze to the bottom right corner."
  3. Explain how to do it: "Follow the verse in order as the guide."
  4. Then tell them the object of the game, "The goal is to be the first team to make it through the maze."
  5. When everyone is ready, say, "GO!"
  6. The winning team receives a prize.
Maze childrens games for church

Sermon on the Mount Secret Code Game Matthew 5:21-37 for ages 7-12.


  1. Print the bulletin and answer key.
  2. Collect these materials:
    • Pencils for everyone
    • A bulletin game for everyone
    • Small prizes or candy in a box

Rules for the game:

  1. Divide the group into teams of 2 to 3.
  2. Read the sentences at the top of the puzzle aloud.
  3. Give the directions. "Use the code — corresponding letters and numbers — to fill in the blanks."
  4. Then explain, "You will be detectives trying to be the first team to solve the mystery. The first team will be promoted from Detectives to Senior Detectives".
  5. The first 2 groups finished are winners.
  6. Let them choose a prize from the prize box.
  7. Praise team 1 as Senior Detectives and give them name badges that say "Senior Detective" on each one.
Secret code childrens games for church

Begin creating children's games for church today.

Our activities are available for two age groups: Ages 3-6 and Ages 7-12. Begin a membership to both age groups of Children's Worship Bulletins today and SAVE 50% on the second age group for the first year of membership. IMMEDIATELY begin engaging your children in worship. They'll thank you! You'll also be pleased with the quality of our product.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

We guarantee that Children's Worship Bulletins will provide relevant, fun material for your children to use with your weekly services, AND give you access to more bulletins and puzzles than you'll find anywhere else! Better yet, they're conveniently available to you at any time.

And here's our guarantee: If at any time you're dissatisfied with Children's Worship Bulletins for any reason, we'll cheerfully issue a prompt and full refund — no questions asked. That's just how confident we are that you and your children will love Children's Worship Bulletins.

Start your Guaranteed, Risk-Free Trial now! Order online or call 1 800 992-2144.

Children's Worship Bulletin
children's church activities

"Our children were ecstatic about the bulletins on Sunday. They felt so important to receive their very own bulletins."
- Jo Ann
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