Sunday School Activities about Abraham and Lot
Some Bible stories are harder to teach than others
Spiritual concepts such as the rewards promised for putting others first can be difficult for children to grasp, making some Bible stories harder to teach than others. Fortunately, there's a resource available to help you plan Sunday school activities for stories like Abraham and Lot to teach children to put others first. Children's Worship Bulletins has hundreds of bulletin activities for stories from nearly all the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Epistles.
Discover how Children's Worship Bulletins simplifies planning Sunday school lessons
It's easy to plan Sunday school activities about Abraham and Lot or any other Bible story with Children's Worship Bulletins. Included in this short article are two examples of using our bulletins to create activities that you can use this week.
Sunday school activity about Abraham and Lot for ages 3-6: Abram's nephew, Lot ... The land was crowded.
Activity Preparation:
- Print a bulletin for each team
- Distribute Pencils for each team
- Gather Prizes for each team member
Activity directions:
- Divide the children into two teams.
- Distribute a bulletin page and pencils to each team.
- Explain the object of the activity. "The goal is to be the first team to find and circle all of the hidden objects in the picture."
- Yell, "GO!" and wait for the first team to finish.
- Give each winning team member a small prize.
- Read aloud Genesis 13:1-18 to reinforce the lesson.

Sunday school activity about Abraham and Lot for ages 7-12: What did Abram say to Lot?
Activity Preparation:
- Print a bulletin page for each child
- Prepare small bags of candy, enough bags for each member of the Abraham team
- Collect stickers or other small prizes, enough prizes for each member of the Lot team
- Gather small vegetables, enough vegetables for each member of the Abraham team (e.g., carrot, celery, zucchini, broccoli floret, etc.)
Activity directions:
- On one side of the classroom, lay out the vegetables. On the other side, lay out stickers/small prizes.
- Distribute a bulletin page to each child. Discuss the story of Abraham and Lot, emphasizing that Abraham gave Lot first choice of the land.
- Divide the children into two teams by having them count off in twos. Once divided, designate the group of ones "Abraham" and the group of twos "Lot." Organize the children into two, single-file lines.
- Explain the activity. "Abraham allowed Lot to choose first. One at a time, our Abrahams are going to allow our Lots first choice between the stickers or the vegetables. When it's your turn, Abraham say to Lot, 'Let's not fight. If you choose a vegetable, I'll choose a prize. If you choose a prize, I'll choose a vegetable.' Then Abraham, allow Lot to choose. Whatever Lot chooses, you must take the opposite."
- Starting with the first Abraham, allow the children to act out the choice Abraham gave Lot.
- When all the children have taken either a sticker or a vegetable, ask the Abraham group how it felt to give Lot first choice. Ask the Lots how it felt to be allowed to make the first choice. Lead a discussion about why sharing and giving the other person first choice instead of arguing would be more pleasing to God.
- Before ending the game, review Genesis 13:14-17. Then, give all the Abrahams a bag of candy. Discuss how allowing Lot to choose first feels now that they've been rewarded with something nicer than either the sticker or vegetable. Ask the children to imagine how treating someone better than you'd treat yourself may be rewarded in heaven.
- Read aloud Genesis 13:1-18 to reinforce the lesson.

Find hundreds of Sunday school activities in Children's Worship Bulletins
Our extensive library includes more than 600 bulletins for nearly every story in the Bible. There are hundreds of activities for young children (ages 3-6) and older youth (ages 7-12) alike. With our easy-to-use search feature, you'll find activities for specific topics or for a variety of Scripture references.
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