Sunday School Activities about Deborah and Barak
Struggling to create Sunday school activities about lesser-known Old Testament stories?
If you've ever struggled to pull together Sunday school activities about some of the lesser-known Old Testament stories like Deborah and Barak, you'll appreciate the professionally-designed bulletins in Children's Worship Bulletins. Our bulletins are biblically based and reinforce basic Scripture knowledge, not doctrine.
Nearly all of the stories from the Old Testament, all four Gospels and the Epistles are included in our extensive library. Furthermore, each bulletin is reviewed by a theological professional and tested in a classroom.
It's easy to create Sunday school activities
To show you how easy it is to create Sunday school activities from our bulletins for Deborah and Barak, we've included two examples in this brief article.
Sunday school activity about Deborah and Barak for ages 3-6: God helped Israel win the battle
Activity Preparation:
- Print a bulletin for each child
- Have enough crayons for each child
Activity Instructions:
- Distribute a bulletin page and crayons to each child. Allow the children to color the bulletin page while you read them the story of Deborah and Barak. Emphasize the part of the story that details the size of Barak's army (10,000 soldiers).
- While children are coloring their bulletin page, ask them to count the number of soldiers in the picture with you.
- Explain that these eight soldiers would represent just a very small part of an army of 10,000 soldiers. Explain that if you counted all the soldiers on everyone's pages, they would still be just a small part of an army of 10,000.
- Ask the children to guess how many bulletin pages it would take to show all 10,000 of Barak's soldiers. Explain that you would need 1,250 bulletin pages to show all 10,000 soldiers. That's a lot of bulletin pages! That's a lot of soldiers!
- Read aloud Judges 4:1-23 to reinforce the lesson.

Sunday school activity about Deborah and Barak for ages 7-12: What did Deborah say?
Activity Preparation:
- Print a bulletin for each team
- Have pencils and a sheet of paper for each team
Activity Instructions:
- Divide the children into two teams.
- Distribute the pencils, a piece of paper and a bulletin to each team.
- Have each team solve the puzzle "What did Deborah say?"
- Explain the activity, "We're going to make our own code puzzles. First, choose a verse from today's lesson in Judges chapter 4. Next, write the alphabet at the top of your paper. Then, write the numbers 1-26 below the alphabet, assigning one number to each letter. Next, draw blank lines for each word in your verse just like the puzzle in the bulletin. Finally, write the number below each blank line corresponding to the correct letter to spell the words of your chosen verse. When you're done creating a new puzzle, you'll exchange your puzzle with the other team and each solve the new puzzles."
- Allow the children to complete the activity, assisting when necessary.
- Have each team read the verse of the puzzle they've solved.
- Read aloud Judges 4:1-23 to reinforce the lesson.

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