Sunday School Activities About Endurance
Some topics are harder to teach than others. Spiritual concepts such as endurance, patience and faith can be difficult for children to grasp. Fortunately, there's an incredible resource available to help you create Sunday school activities about endurance.
Children's Worship Bulletins has bulletins from the three major lectionaries, for hundreds of topics and with Scripture references representing nearly all of the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Epistles.
Discover how easy it is to teach with Children's Worship Bulletins
It's easy to plan Sunday school activities about endurance with Children's Worship Bulletins. Included in this short article are two examples that you can use in your class.
Sunday school activity about endurance
Colossians 1:1-14 for ages 3-6
Activity preparation:
- Print the "We also should ..." activity page from the Children's Worship Bulletins website.
Assemble the following materials:
- "We also should ..." activity page for each child
- Scissors for each child
- Pencil for each child
- A small prize for each member of the winning team
Activity directions:
- Divide the class into two teams.
- Distribute a pencil, scissors and the "We also should ..." activity page to each child.
- Have the children carefully cut out each of the six shapes (not the children pictured holding the shapes) from their activity page.
- Explain the object of the game, "The goal is to be the first team to match all of the shapes and write the correct missing words on them."
- Have the children turn all the shapes face down on the table and mix them up.
- Yell, "GO!" and wait for the first team to finish.
- Give each winning team member a small prize.
- Read aloud Colossians 1:1-14 to reinforce the lesson.

Sunday school activity about endurance
Colossians 1:1-14 for ages 7-12
Activity preparation:
- Print the "Paul prayed that the Colossians ..." activity page from the Children's Worship Bulletins website.
Assemble the following materials:
- "Paul prayed that the Colossians ..." activity page for each child
- White board, chalkboard, or easel and flip page with marker, chalk or pen
- Pencils
Activity directions:
- Direct the children to complete the "Paul prayed that the Colossians ..." activity page.
- Explain, "We're going to brainstorm about the spiritual qualities that would be good examples of Paul's suggestions."
- Ask the children to discuss what "knowledge of God's will" might be and how to learn what it is. Record their answers on the board (accept any reasonable answer. Prompt them to include the Bible or reading God's Word as one of their answers).
- Ask the children to discuss what "bear fruit in every good work" might be. Record their answers on the board (accept any reasonable answer).
- Ask the children to discuss what "endurance" might be in the context of a spiritual quality. Record their answers on the board (accept any reasonable answer).
- Conclude by asking the children how knowledge of God's will and bearing fruit in every good work exemplify spiritual endurance.
- Recite together Colossians 1:1-14 to reinforce the lesson.

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"Our children were ecstatic about the bulletins on Sunday. They felt so important to receive their very own bulletins."
- Jo Ann
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