Sunday School Games About Love
Just as God is love, we want to be full of love in all we do. We want to reinforce love to our Sunday school classes with games about love to match the lessons we teach. One way to have new games each week is to use a puzzle from Children's Worship Bulletins to inspire the games. Log in to the website, select "Love" from the Topic list and click the Ages 7-12 button.
You will find bulletins centering around love from these scriptures:
- Song Of Solomon 2:8-13
- Isaiah 5:1-7
- Hosea 11:1-11
- 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Let's choose the last one to demonstrate games.
Sunday school games about love for ages 7-12
What you will need:
- 2 black markers
- 2 enlarged posters of this puzzle
- Tape or pins to fasten the posters to the wall
What you do:
- Divide your class into 2 teams. Have them stand in lines behind each other for a relay race.
- Have each team choose their best math person for the addition parts of the relay.
- Choose a leader for each team. This person goes first. It cannot be the math person.
- Give each team a marker. This is the baton to pass to the next player in the relay team.
- Explain to the class, "We are going to do a relay race. The team to finish first wins. The first person will run down and put the answer beside the L=. Then they will run back and give the marker to the next person, who will then put the answer beside the O=. This continues until all the answers have been completed through E=. The last person hands the marker off to the math person who runs down and adds them up. Then he hands it off to the team leader who runs to the teacher to see if the total is correct."
- Continue with these instructions, "If the total is correct, I will draw a heart beside the total and hand the marker off to the next person in the relay team. If the total is not correct, the math person must figure out what is wrong with the total and correct it. His team may shout suggestions. Play continues until one team has received 3 hearts from me. They are the winners."
- Use this opportunity to reinforce to the class that faith, hope, and love are all important in our lives, but especially love.

Sunday school games about love for ages 3-6
Quickly adapt our puzzles into games to be used in Sunday school classes for preschoolers. Fun, engaging games help young ones focus on the important truths of the Bible including the need to be loving people.
What you need:
- Washable crayons
- Children's Worship Bulletins for your class
- A bag of small prizes/candy
What you do:
- Divide the class into teams of two.
- Give each child a crayon and each team a bulletin opened to this puzzle.
- Explain that a heart means love, and that we are going to find all the hearts in the puzzle and color the shapes red. Once we do, a word will be spelled. Show them an example.
- The object is to be the first team to finish the coloring and spell the word.
- Once you have a winning team, tell them what the secret word is. Use this opportunity to talk to them about the importance of love in our lives.
- Give each child a bulletin to take home with them. They can begin the puzzles in class and finish them at home.

Order Children's Worship Bulletins today
Get your Sunday school games about love and many other subjects for kids today at Children's Worship Bulletins. With two levels available: for ages 3-6 and ages 7-12, we have a wide variety of activities to meet the needs of your children.
Be confident that:
- you will find appropriate activities that are faithful to the Scriptures.
- bulletins are available to match your Sunday school lessons.
- you can use our database to find the specific Scripture that you want.
- our easy search by topic or Scripture reference quickly finds what you need from hundreds of choices.
Download all the bulletins as you may need from the website. Either age group of Children's Worship Bulletins is only $4.99 per month. Take advantage of our special offer: Order both age groups for $7.49 per month which makes your second age group half price.
Trust in our rock-solid guarantee
We guarantee:
- to provide relevant, fun material for your children to use with your weekly service;
- to give you access to more bulletins and puzzles then you'll find anywhere else; and
- to give you a full refund if at any time you're dissatisfied with Children's Worship Bulletins for any reason — no questions asked.
That's just how confident we are that you and your children will love Children's Worship Bulletins.
Place your ORDER TODAY so the kids of your church can begin using the fun Bible games in their Sunday school classes this week!

"Our children were ecstatic about the bulletins on Sunday. They felt so important to receive their very own bulletins."
- Jo Ann
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